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詳細資料ISBN:9787111435600 規格:228頁 / 普通級/ 1-1 出版地:大陸 內容簡介10天巧戰系列叢書極富時間概念,同時又在內容上高度凝練,目的是為讀者朋友提供迅速而輕松的考前復習方案。楊軼殊主編的這本《10天巧戰大學英語4級完形與翻譯》是本系列針對CET4的一個分冊。 《10天巧戰大學英語4級完形與翻譯》緊密與最新2013年12月考試的題型對接,但出於考試內容復習需要,仍然按照題型分成兩大部分,在每一部分都對的知識點予以重新整合,打破了傳統專項輔導書按部就班講解知識點的套路。尤其對段落翻譯新題型做了強化。可以說,本書只提供考前最需要掌握、最想了解的知識點,認真研習,完全讓10天的復習備考變得輕松愜意。 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten-code APCO first proposed Morse code brevity codes in the June, 1935 issue of The APCO Bulletin, ... Ten-codes, especially "10-4" (meaning "understood") ... www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=10-4 24/05/2004 · 10-4 means "OK," "understood," and "affirmative." Commonly known as CB radio lingo, originating from the need for brevity in radio transmission. https://www.10-4.com/public Introducing 10-4 The first and only integrated, automated transportation ecosystem connecting carriers, brokers and shippers to move and track freight in real-time. 10 Codes Ten-codes you will hear on the Scanners This a list of general 10 codes, 10 codes vary greatly by departments. You should do a search for local ten-code ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X_Tiger Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger is the fifth major release of Mac OS X, Apple's desktop and server operating system for Mac computers. Tiger was released to the public on April ... 10天巧戰大學英語4級完形與翻譯 |
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